In Memory of

Joseph Miller

October 22, 1963 – April 4, 2013
New Hope, Minnesota

What can I say about Joe? He was into a lot of different things, but he loved his family and friends the most. Video games, exotic animals as pets, skydiving, woodworking, train sets, fishing, hunting, football, cars, photography, just a ton of things. Those that knew him well will remember “Sam the cougar”, yes he owned a real live cougar (mountain lion).

“He loved life and out of the ordinary things.”

When we met, we realized our lives were lived within feet of each other and yet we never knew each other. We lived in the same neighborhood, went to the same high school and even had some of the same teachers. Life is funny that way. Joe was a hard worker and loved all of his jobs. His last job was at Opportunity Partners where he worked in the mail room and on some job sites helping those that were mentally or physically disabled learn their jobs so they could be employed. Even though the diabetes robbed him of a lot of his eye sight he still enjoyed taking pictures and took some amazing shots.

Joe enjoyed time with family and we had a bunch. 5 Nephews, 5 Nieces and 5 great nieces and nephews. Towards the end he was mostly at home and loved his video games and movies, he would play sometimes until the wee hours of the morning. Joe loved food and was a great cook, so great that I didn’t DARE to touch the Thanksgiving turkey. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas were his favorite holidays and even though we were in a one bedroom apartment we decorated fully. We had 2 dogs, Zak, Joe had when we first started dating, Turbo the crazy dog came after we had to put Zak down. He loved his puppies that’s for sure. Though we never had children of our own, I know Joe would have been a great dad by the way he was with our nieces and nephews.

Joe you will always be missed, but in our hearts. Thank you for the time we had together, it was an adventure.

Sheilah Miller-spouse